Astral Legions/NS Ninja "....And Now We Have To Take You To Valhalla."

Started by CosmicWeaponOfThule, December 08, 2018, 04:59:52 AM

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I think In order to provide proper context I need to copy most of, if not all the original postings in other places for this. The AL/NSN split release is somewhat of a strange adaptation of Old Yeller.

QuoteSolace320 - Astral Legions/NS Ninja "......And Now We Have To Take You To Valhalla."
Solace321 - Astral Legions "Astral Legions"

The function of this label within the larger Black Metal universe is misunderstood by many peoples who are not intelligent enough to see bigger concepts. As time comes to take all your heroes, new projects come and need to be discovered, exhumed or have other assistance provided to them in order to keep everything spinning. Some times (Kaevum, Mondsaal, Sunchariot, Jugra and many others people like to forget about) it is successful, many times it is not.

Astral Legions (along with Aryan Assault, Satanic Prophecy and Einsatzgurppen) were first given a platform to worldwide distribution through this label with tape released back in 2014. These demos would become successful and the compilation CD released 3 years ago to date remains the only NS black metal CD given a public release to actually come with actual materials (coins) from the era of Nazi Germany. Their brand of black metal would follow in vein of numerous other NS black metal bands, and be for a while of the traditional sound.

Like many, they came to realize the hypocrisy that comes inside the modern black metal where the expression/concept of "Norisk Arisk Black Metal" is pretty much meaningless now and began becoming involved with experimental/industrial music. There split with Satanic Prophecy began to showcase this direction, and the debut full length never materialized. Going from your typical NS corpse painted warrior to Boyd Rice, the self-titled demo release features the final black metal tracks recorded by the band, fans of this type of NS Black Metal will find one last item of enjoyment.

The bands transition out of metal was completed with one techno track for a now canceled split with a different/well known right wing techno project. While many labels would have this type of stuff remain unreleased, or at least released under a different band name, the band requested it be released as a final statement showcasing their disgust at the black metal scene of their generation. This split and the title are an outsider artistic monument to what is the final thing I have to do in the Astral Legions story.

NS Ninja is back again after being split up twice, returning to the form of the original 3 cult demos of seven years ago to continue Delusionally onward unto the Atlantean Godhead. Dropping the Dub/Dancehall experimentation on the "Keep Facebook White" demo/comps/splits and merging the skits/anti-scene rhetoric of fellow project Strike Force 28 (whom are now also characters in the project) to further build the emerging "Borderline Reality" NS Techno sub-genre that was built alone by this label. Outsider/Avant/Experimental Breakcore with themes of Kekistani Nationalism functioning in similar concept to things such as Gwar, Gorillaz, Dethklock and The Residents. Everyone on the internet will hate this project posting inflammatory comments without actually listening to the music, or listen to it and call it garbage in hopes of getting some metaphorical nod from a scene guru that exists only in their mind.

NS Ninja

Incel Legions of the Vinylkvlt (Lyrics in Description)

He's Turning Blue (Carpathian Forest Cover)