UTR 011: MBD/Power Monster Split c15

Started by [MBD], September 12, 2014, 06:52:17 PM

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(UTR 010 will be released shortly.  There have been delays in the production of the album so this one was released first, catalog number is not a typo).

Split c15 between Cincinnati's MBD and Providence's Power Monster.  MBD side consists of blisteringly loud cut-up harsh noise, mostly made from organic sounds.  Power Monster is Alexandra Pharmakidis (ex- Sex Bruises, Mucophagia, Ypoferoun, Mema, Mustard Tugboat, 8ALLZ).  Her side delivers her signature assault of unrelenting, dense harsh noise.  Dubbed onto red type 1 cassettes housed in Norelco cases.  Artwork is printed on cardstock.  Edition of 35.  $5ppd for US, $5+$5 shipping for Canada, $5+$10 shipping for international orders.  Send orders to mbdcontact160@gmail.com.  Also send an email to the same address if interested in trades/distro deals.  Listen to/buy the album here http://mbdmusic.bandcamp.com/album/mbd-power-monster

Material Body Dysfunction & Flickering Coward. Cincinnati OH USA.
