Matt Ingalls, Alien Planet, Kevin CK Lo, Lucy Noise Project

Started by resipiscent, September 09, 2016, 10:37:10 AM

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Matt Ingalls, Alien Planet, Kevin CK Lo, Lucy Noise Project
Wed, Sept 21; doors 7:45pm, show 8-10:30pm
at Second Act, 1727 Haight St. San Francisco, CA $5 21+

Matt Ingalls
It tingles to be Matt Ingalls, you know it does just from the look of him. To be certain though, consider your ears once he begins marking time with sound. Find his face on your face, feel the fuzz as he takes over the small sound chamber at Second Act. This virtuoso of reed, circuit and corduroy is not to be missed.

Alien Planet
Sheila Bosco and Collette McCaslin harness the stirrings of interplanetary systems, collapsing universes, vibrating atomic clouds, and intersecting Boltzmann brains, amassing all manner of microforces which then erupt as sonic lightning, capable of crossing galactic distances, bringing psychedelic free noise to long haired aliens smoking god knows what. Come pass the intergalactic peace pipe and snap your vestigial tentacles in time.

Kevin CK Lo
Phenom of flute, fiddle, and piano since his earliest days, Kevin CK Lo went on to become choreographer, writer, one half of hypnagogic duo, Drought Spa, and fearless crosser of beams.  Through live stochastic synthesis he spawns dissociative corruptions: metalized violin, plasticized flute, and for the first time at Second Act... flesh piano. Now is the hour of our transmogrification.

A Lucy Noise Project
"Lucy will perform a sincere composition upon the world famous classic Korg MS 10 synthesizer and other common things. Emptiness, the void, time, moving meditation, the death of a beloved pet. These themes will be explored in sound and performance. Hugs, Lucy"