24.8. Veljeskoti, Oulu, Finland - Will Over Matter, Tervahäät, Black Deck

Started by Jaakko V., June 27, 2013, 10:03:53 PM

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Jaakko V.

On 24th of August you have the opportunity to enjoy a late summer evening and potent live music in a beautiful old villa in Hietasaari, Oulu.

The evening is organized as an invitation only event. You can become a guest simply by sending an email to vljsltm [at ] gmail [dot] com.

The entrance fee is 10 euros. Payment is asked in advance. More info can be requested via email or found on the website (in Finnish only, unfortunately):


harald mentor

Huomenna lauantaina tämä. Bestial Burstin distrokamaa messissä, Will Over Matteria ja muutakin. Myymässä myös Anima Arctica.

Jaakko V.

Excellent evening. Very good gigs, barbeque, Finnish sauna and swimming in the moonlight, heh. The event is warmly recommended if one's about to head to Northern Finland next year. Good attendance every time and unique atmosphere one will not experience else.

Black Deck started but I didn't follow too closely. Ambient / chill-out with this self-designed and built electronic instrument called "Black Deck" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7xk_pCOkC8), wah wah guitar and delay, drum machine, etc. Reminded me of The Orb. Well done but not my stuff.

Tervahäät was four guys on stage; percussions, bass, vocals, guitar. Calling this "neofolk" doesn't really do justice to their material, but I guess that's what this could be called. A melancholic mixture of folk, post punk and ambient. Maybe also a hint of Burzum there too. Played tracks from their latest albums.

Will Over Matter had some oscillators and pedals, a drum machine, a stylophone, and a tape deck. Brutish interrupted beats, noise and drone. Very good.

Halo Manash was interesting to see live after not seeing their set for so many years. Reminded me strongly of some older Maeror Tri and Drone Records stuff in general. White noise coming from tape (rushing water), modular synth drone, bowed cymbals and tree branches, water splashing through fx. Standard elements, yet worked well. Everything through guitar and bass amps so the sound was suitably muffled. Good, hypnotic textures.