HUM OF THE DRUID "The Conservative Road Beyond the Bizarre"

Started by LIFE, March 02, 2018, 08:18:08 AM

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HOTD "The Conservative Road Beyond the Bizarre"

Starts off in expected territory and quickly ventures elsewhere, with familiar textures, tones, and dynamics making appearances but altogether this is an uneven, disorienting, and hallucinatory "experimental industrial noise" album that takes place directly after "Norse Fumigation" in recording chronology (roughly 2008-2010). I myself was disoriented by every step of this process which was refreshing but it also paralyzed the finalization of the release. Whatever thoughts went into the material are like some kind of depersonalized autobiography where the author wanted to create a story vague even to himself. You'll hear layered work that bridges the usual surreal destruction with dark lushness, as well as crude one-dimensional manipulations that you won't typically hear on HOTD recordings, though maybe this description is all part of the disorientation and it sounds exactly like everything else I've done. I know that it offers some kind of explanation for why the "Predatory Outlook" cassette was such a departure from the heavy industrial noise of the last two SNSE LPs. Approach this with no expectation except an experience in experimental ideas and audio.

As with the last cassette, I am initially "releasing" this online (under the humbling "Bandcamp" banner) because I want to make it immediately available. I have no shame in being a modern person and if my work can't stand up in both worlds then it doesn't deserve to, though I do hope to have this released in material form as soon as the right opportunity is available.

Thanks for any interest in HOTD as always. New ideas are rolling, so don't mistake my tortoise-like crawl for nostalgia.

Bloated Slutbag

Someone weaker than you should beat you and brag
And take you for a drag



Look for this to be released on cassette by Cipher Productions...!