M.B. – REMS/MECAT 7 Tape Box set

Started by Urashima, August 04, 2017, 01:06:24 AM

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Milano burns
Everything starts when Maurizio Bianchi from Milano, with many years spent as a music journalist, realizes that writing (a very personal style both lucid and delirious) is no longer enough to describe the sounds he has in his mind. In that moment he started to deal with tape recorders, turntables, synthesizers, microphones, self-producing tapes and records under the name M.B., creating his own  circuit of fans and aficionados always ready to plunge themselves into the amazing physiological network of "impossible" decompositions. Both the special contributions to compilations issued all over the world and the self-published releases are produced very frequently, almost every month. "Regel", "Menses", "S.F.A.G. 81", "Mectpyo Bakterium", "Endometrio", "Carcinosi", "The Plain Truth" are only a few titles among the LP's he produced, a home-made bricolage - probably comparable only to the lab of the German Conrad Schnitzler & Son - which found a huge group of imitators, both in his country and abroad, who only rarely reach the skill of the master.  Maurizio Bianchi represents the most exasperatedly coherent instance of language of noise. His compositions are long magnetic suites in which the sound particles seem to have an independent character, stagnating and reproducing themselves with infinitesimal variations, and with a never lacking tension and "logic to the absurd". M.B. has recently disowned his "negative" period coming closer, in his last works, to a more classical kind of electronics. His experiments remain anyhow unexcelled, a warning to the blindness of the music criticism.
Free Magazine, Florence 1984 - Vittore Baroni

M.B. – REMS/MECAT  7 Tape Box set out now in 99 hand numbered copies.

for info please visit www.urashima.it