Humor in noise

Started by Marko-V, December 03, 2016, 10:53:49 AM

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david lloyd jones

Quote from: Marko-V on December 10, 2016, 06:21:32 PM
Hmmm... I'm not sure which character is funnier: A) a clueless outsider hipster trying desperately to "get it" or get in, or B) overjealoys scenester trying fiercely to defend the 'purity' of his scene against outsiders.

surely the funniest is the commentator on both!
baggsy no back answers!


Thou shalt not go any further, otherwise we will be in the middle of planning a sitcom (obviously named 'Haters' as opposed to 'Friends') featuring all those tragicomic characters.

david lloyd jones

will this sitcom be on uk terrestrial or USA digital/box set/world take over?


david lloyd jones

david lloyd jones

Quote from: Vermin Marvin on December 10, 2016, 09:13:41 PM
Some talk too much, it is the action that matters.

been there, done that, not as funny as it looks.


My book of poetry:


Quote from: eraciator on December 08, 2016, 09:53:50 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on December 08, 2016, 08:29:12 PM
'safe space'?


Yeah you know, they shouldn't say bad things about the music we like, because that's hurtful. Us white men are oppressed too and we need a safe space where we can make art about rapists and nazism without anyone criticising it?

Troll account, but the U.K. XE secret show attended by three people in a rehearsal room and unadvertised fits every single fucking criteria for the term safe space. Same as a sex club or dungeon would. Which of course has much more in common with XE than the kind of nationalist political thing that those who would like to ban it mistake it for.

I struggle with some of this terminology, trigger warnings etc but try to understand how times change and how a younger generation think and view things. I can't stand call-out culture at all - an excuse for self-righteous bullying - but understand how 'safe space' could become a synonym for old-fashioned discretion and keeping things quiet from the straight world.


Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on January 03, 2017, 11:38:44 PM
U.K. XE secret show attended by three people in a rehearsal room and unadvertised fits every single fucking criteria for the term safe space. Same as a sex club or dungeon would.

Would it? What are the criteria?

As far as I've understood, what "safe-space" meant, is place where anti-LGBT violence, harassment or hate speech were not allowed, therefore "creating a safe place for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people". Has been extended to refer to a space for individuals who feel marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences with marginalization. Which now probably means mostly just women...

If any meeting of like-minded people, what excludes unwanted people or is private nature, is called "safe-space", term probably loses its entire meaning. I would tend to think, that there is a vast difference of meetings, that is "sexual minority who feels marginalized, talking experience of being marginalized" vs. for example groups of fags meeting in dungeon, to do what they like to do.

Most often, private live show ain't "safe space". There hardly ever are codes and rules what and how one is allowed to talk etc.
Who you can look at, and how long time.  Indeed, over here too, in Finland, there are safe-space gigs. Where they endorse such a strict rules on social behavior it becomes absolute humor. Going to level how long you are allowed to look at females so you don't harass them etc. Or that you need to be sure short or handicapped people see punk gig behind your white fat ass. haha.. Jesus. It appears as humor, but is deadly serious. Of course, one may try to extend "experience of being marginalized" to be about people who listen slightly unpopular music? I'd rather see it simply in old fashioned guys doing what they like to do. It's nearly opposite of entire safe-space foolishness, isn't it?

I think private live shows, whatever the music style or approach is a great thing. There are way more relevant angles to approach phenomena than via latest twitter buzzwords.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


All sorts of abstract arguments to be made as to whether an event like  that constitutes a safe space or deeply subterranean private 'concert' but a lads night  in with some tinnies seems entirely adequate to me.


No argument from me there. In my experience these so called safe spaces tend to be located amongst people who don't need educating about the principles behind them. More ways for people to feel politically active while never straying from their chosen social and cultural circles.

I should hope, therefore, that 4 people performing racially provocative power electronics to one another in private aren't under similar illusions that what they're doing is something beyond exactly that.


resist the things you can find everywhere


Quote from: ONE on January 15, 2017, 12:16:14 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on December 03, 2016, 04:36:06 PM
esp late period

Who else comes close?

probably rrron. i've busted a gut to sons of god and koichi makigami too. jaap blonk has chops. basically anyone who makes fart noises with their mouth will get me going because i'm an idiot. saw a crank sturgeon/id m theftable double bill which was very funny.