Ideal P.E. Vocals

Started by a_2_g_2, September 26, 2016, 03:24:36 AM

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Indian Burial Ground. Hidden Midwestern power electronics. And truly underground cult shit.


Quote from: Deadpriest on January 19, 2017, 08:13:06 PM
There's something very special about Phillip Best's rage, there's a level of normality in it that makes it feel very real to me. John Balistreri also (of Slogun) is very believable or rather characterful, the bragging, hollow man that he's projecting perfectly speaks his lyrics.

yeah, certainly a very obvious choice but undeniable. His vocals on Consumer Electronics - Dollhouse Songs are just dripping with a very believable hate that you feel comes from a lived experience of the lowest of the low. especially the quiet spoken vocals towards the end of the album. Sarah's vocals are brilliant on that album too.