HARD PANNING the ultimate cut-up harsh noise compilation CD pre-order

Started by scumwalski, August 17, 2014, 06:27:38 PM

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Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5zPAkEora4


[TR-53] HARD PANNING: the ultimate contemporary cut-up harsh noise international compilation CD - 10 EUR + shipping (2 EUR)

The hardest-hitting release of the year.
Featuring well-established artists as well as relative newcomers, the compilation contains roughly 50 minutes of top quality, complex and dynamic harsh noise.
HARD PANNING documents the evolution and redefining of the genre which came a long way since the early pioneers. A definite must-have.

Co-released by Triangle Records and Somnolent Shelter Records.
Co-curated by Sergei Hanolainen and Dawid Kowalski.
Endorsed by harshnoise.org

Release date/shipping: mid September 2014

PAYPAL:  hanolainen (at) gmail (dot) com
ORDER VIA TRIANGLE RECORDS: http://trianglerecords.blogspot.com/2014/08/new-release.html


Thanks for all orders so far. CDs are at pressing factory and will be ready in September.
We will keep everyone updated.
By the way, here is a contest for those who may like to get this CD for free and not only this shit, check this up!!

Skąd ten noise and harshnoise.org would like to invite you to participate in a contest.

The rules are simple:
1) Take a selfie with your noise collection, all formats allowed;
2) Submit the pic to sampodistortion@gmail.com before September 1st;
3) On September 1st, Skad ten noise will publish a photo gallery with all the submitted photos. Three photos which get the most 'likes' until September 7th, 10 pm (Warsaw time) win the contest. If your pic shows releases by Triangle Records and/or Somnolent Shelter Records, likes are counted x2.

Awards - Triangle Records CDs (http://trianglerecords.blogspot.com/):

The winner gets:
HEINZ HOPF - Gothenburg,
MACRONYMPHA - Studio 95,
MAAAA/K2 Split (Bill Clinton's favorite split CD);

Position 2:
HEINZ HOPF - Gothenburg,
MACRONYMPHA - Studio 95,
MAAAA/K2 split;

Position 3:
MAAAA/K2 split;


All orders were shipped while ago.
Except stuff for Johnathon Byrne, please confirm your address.