Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, December 13, 2009, 09:55:35 PM

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Andrew McIntosh

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2009, 03:13:33 PM
I think it would be nice to make some sort of study, why there is such a big number of films and videos of men dominating women, but magazines tend to be other way round. So much of dominatrix theme magazine, male slaves, men humiliated, men in female clothes humiliated...

Friend of mine was a professional dominatrix for a few years. We both had a good talk about how it is that there's all these blokes in "high powered", professional jobs who spend their working day telling others what to do and enjoying it, then getting their jollies at night being tied up, beaten up and having needles shoved into their dicks. I think there are a lot of submissive men around who get off being dominated and abused by women.

It's something I dig from a voyeuristic point of view. I would not want to be tied up and beaten up myself, but I do quite enjoy watching men being tied up and beaten up by women. Personally I'd prefer to do the dominating myself if I was taking part, but I really enjoy seeing and hearing men being dominated and humiliated. The dialogue between the dom and sub is something I'm very interested in.
Shikata ga nai.


Got the TASCHEN book of PRIVATE. 1000 pages in small pages, in full color. 5 books in slipcase. Pretty neat item of their early stages. As good christmas present, I went through whole thing during one blowjob. There are some very good stuff, some that you can browse through with faster pace. But overall, for price what it is, absolutely essential.

They say some previously unseen images are present, but not sure what. I thought that perhaps reason for such a small page size would be that these MIGHT be scan of the magazines rather than scans of the original negatives/slides or whatever? Reducing pages size such a significantly might allow even scans of magazines look very bright and sharp, without halftone patterns of such. I see couple images with crappy jpeg packaging waste, but that's like 2 pages out of 1000.

I wonder if ever TASCHEN would have possibilities to go after RODOX / COLOR CLIMAX? I think legal issues might be brutal. Reading old interview with Rodox representative who was defending them against kp accusations said that after 1980 they made the new policy of not allowing any kids in their product that all models need to have valid ID showing they are 16 or over. Well, as we know, these days "16 or over" isn't that good policy for company who doesn't want their distributors to be behind bars. Leaving all the infamous golden years teenage material away from Rodox would be such a imperfect document, but who would dare? Perhaps company with clever lawyers from countries where baggage of prooving something is on accusations, not on defender.

I do wonder, how many companies shift their stocks and "activities" into glorious Denmark? Already old news from last year, but I guess law just took it's place beginning of 2009?

Netherlands Outlaws Bestiality, Animal Porn
  After two years of debate and fierce opposition from the porn industry the Netherlands has outlawed bestiality and bestiality pornography. Offenders risk being jailed for six months. Previously the law only covered cases where animals suffered.

"The Netherlands has been a magnet for perversities - and we want to stop that," said MP Harm Evert Waalkens who proposed the law. Animal pornography is explicitly forbidden in 80 countries.

So, if that's not cover worthy picture, I don't know what is ! haha!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

don't know exactly what it is, but games in flat, and suddenly turn to amateur facials. I appreciated.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

Nil By Mouth


Was doing some "research" for future release, and going through of dvd "pregnant dog fucker". Says in cover "brutal barking dog sex" and "7 months pregnant and still fucking DOGS!!"... well, there aren't much barking, and I have my doubts about the 7 months, but this is sleaze. Starts with rare appearance of cat, licking some sort of milk or whatever from her labia, says in cover its her own breast milk actually. Big white dog enters and pregnant woman with TATTOOED company logo of who put this dvd out in her chest. Not as elegant as playboy bunny. She's doing all that female usually do with big dogs, while cat casually just spend his (?) time in room, walking aroind and cleaning up himself. It's pretty funny. It's decent dvd in its genre. Something actually happens, and it's not all about chasing dogs in room. Female look decent, as decent as pregnant milf type housewives do. And she clearly is expert on this field.
One can appreciate decently done dvd on this field, which is traditionally filled with material you can't even bother to watch with fast forward function at maximum.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


National Audiovisual Archive will have a serie of movies and lectures called 'sexuality on screen' starting this month in Helsinki =>
Some movies may have swedish subtitles.

Tarja Höykinpuro: VALKOKANKAAN S/M

and from the movies these ones sound interesting:

Barbet Schroeder: MAÎTRESSE (about French s/m scene starring Gérard Depardieu :) with real s/m people doing sessions, 1976)
Osamu Tezuka: CLEOPATRA, QUEEN OF SEX (erotic anime, 1970)
Knud Leif Thomsen: GIFT (Danish porn, 1966)
Annelise Meineche: UTAN EN TRÅD (Danish porn, 1968)
Alain Robbe-Grillet: Successive Slidings of Pleasure ("...contains plenty of surreal moments and lots of sleaze.The movie itself is truly unique and bizarre,so fans of unusual European art-house exploitation won't be disappointed. IMDB", France, 1973)
Tatsumi Kumashiro: STREET OF JOY (sex industry of 1950s Tokyo, 1974)
John Sayles: LIANNA (lesbian love, USA 1982)
Beni Montresor: The Golden Mass (dreamlike and erotic picture, "the wife has an incestuous union while her husband and their daughter look on, and then the wife and another woman do some extraordinary things with and to the husband, Allmovie", France 1975)

andy vomit

Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 20, 2009, 02:42:40 AM
Oh, I'm a fan. She knew how to hate: nothing bloodless about our Andrea. Her writing, to me, is like a lot of hardcore political extremist writing, only in her case with more of an annoying academic facade. That was her drawback, to me; she was no Valerie Solanas. But there's a lot of good, personal, emotional grit in her writing and she does, I think, point to a few basic home truths about gender warfare. Her big mistake as far as porn was concerned was of course her complete inability to understand that women can be stupid; they where always victims, never instigators or, heaven forfend, idiots just allowing themselves to be used for a few bucks. I should get around to reading her "Right Wing Women", should be interesting to see how she intellectually wiggles around that concept.

i wrote a rather lengthy essay on pornography and the first amendment, and as a result, i read a lot of andrea dworkin's work.  i don't remember many details of what i read, but the one thing i do remember is this: according to dworkin (which is, of course, the "correct" opinion), ALL PORNOGRAPHY IS RAPE.  all the men in porn films are rapists and should be charged/treated as such.  because the woman is the "object" in porno films, she's automatically the victim.  and to make matters worse, she didn't limit this opinion to porn, but heterosexual sex in general.  so says wikipedia: 

"In 1987 Dworkin published Intercourse, in which she extended her analysis from pornography to sexual intercourse itself, and argued that the sort of sexual subordination depicted in pornography was central to men's and women's experiences of heterosexual intercourse in a male supremacist society. In the book, she argues that all heterosexual sex in our patriarchal society is coercive and degrading to women, and sexual penetration may by its very nature doom women to inferiority and submission, and "may be immune to reform.""

while i don't agree with anything she's ever said, i have to admit that it takes some serious fucking balls to make a statement like that.


balls? Nutjobs tell many things, and to reason abnormal & delusional theories doesn't necessary require balls, but just being... well nutcase.
I think I may have told elsewhere about radio interview with Finnish lesbian sex healtcare project, where they were guiding couples for better sex. The route they had chosen was the anti-heterosexual pussy eating lesbian ideology. While several couples came at first, after they'd been throughly blamed and directed with shame & guilt of cock domination, instead of success, they had to simply close the project since little by little, nobody came. Everybody dropped off the course. Couples that wanted to fuck and have fun, were being bombarded with guilt ridden lesbian propaganda that prevented all that.
Interview was funny as fuck, since the organisation still couldn't really admit, that something was wrong with them and their own ideas.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Recently I watched a mainstream movie from Finland called Rööperi (recommended btw). There one of the characters runs a pornoshop with lots of magazines and (I think) 8mm films. Sweden and Denmark was very liberal on this matter but how was it in Finland in "golden years" of scandinavian pornography?
I have vague memories of seeing some pornographic comedy I think called Pi... Pi... Pilleri (?) and lovestory Sensuela, otherwise I haven't seen much smut / sleaze from Finland. Was it because of laws or have I simply not looked close enough?


In Finland at that time, until very late of 90's it was basically illegal to sell HC pornography. It happened since the end of 60's of course, even having specialized sex shop. But once in a while, police would raid them, confisgate stuff etc.
There are some of very known characters in Helsinki sex shop scene who have been around since 70's. Always hustling and smuggling, cheating and ripping off with scams. I guess same as everywhere in times when it was more of grey area business.
Porno films of erotic movies was very very marginal, and still is. Nothing to be compared to Denmark or Sweden.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


That would explain the weird Finnish porn/record shop that was (maybe still is) situated in the middle of Stockholm. All signs and prices in Finnish. I guess they where catering to Finnish tourist and the large Finnish population of Stockholm.


back in the day, everything came from stockholm. Every guy who ran a shop, went there to get stuff to smuggle into finland. I was told the name of the old couple who ran big store and wholesale business there. Still perhaps 5 years ago, some shop owner visited them and they had regular blockhouse attic from floor to ceiling stashed with vintage mags for dirt cheap prices. I think guy was already 80 years old and sold his actual store away.

It wasn't until VHS came in the game, that you didn't need more than "master" and then dublicate copies. And when finland joined EU and no customs between Finland and Holland anymore. Everybody could easily contact the biggest wholesalers in the business all around europe and import everything by yourself.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com



Thursday, January 25, 2007 Update by Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons

At a Glance: In the past Hentai games have often catered to casual rape enthusiasts. These are perfectly normal folks like you, me and your next door neighbor who only leaves his apartment to buy canned meat and plastic tarps. I like to think of this audience as the "beer and pretzel" rape gamer. They're interested in a fun "pick up and play" rape game and they don't want to get bogged down in details. Then there are the rape grognards who want a rape simulator to be as realistic as possible. They want it to include accidental pregnancies, crying, abortion, threat of murder, fuel mixture, full elevator control, and pre-rape start-up checks. RapeLay is the grognard's rape simulator. It is the Falcon 4.0 of rape.

Language: Japanese and some horrible fan-made English translation.

Sexual Content: The original game includes a pixilated mosaic, but the fan-made English translation includes various uncensored textures. That includes my personal favorites; the bloody penis and vagina.

Ahhhh yesteryear!
When I fire up a modern game on a modern console or PC I am often struck with nostalgia. I recall the joys I once experienced, hunched over my Atari 2600, entranced by the vaguely human shapes moving around the screen and throwing dots at each other. I can't help but look at the roaring demonoids and wailing 5.1 surround drop ships and bounding Pinatas and marvel at how far videogames have come, but there is the nagging suspicion that those simpler games and simpler times were in most ways better. Eating prostitutes with a crowbar in Vice City is great fun, to be sure, but does it still have that same innocent wonder to it as chowing down on power pellets and blue ghosts?

In the immortal words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "So, too, go the rape games". Custer's Revenge was a joy to play, just you and the Indian squaw tied to a pole with her angry red blocks for nipples. Your proud white man's erection thrust towards her as you avoided the many perils of the Wild West, come to sting your penis. The joy of raping that Indian woman tied to the pole was simple and pure.

RapeLay is in every way a wonder of technology. It is the Gears of War to Custer's Combat, the Madden 2007 to its FOOTBALL, the Oblivion to its Venture. It is a soulless, high-resolution rendering of rape. With nearly photo-realistic giant bedrooms and crying children that can get pregnant if you ejaculate inside of them. I never had to decide whether or not I was going to make that Indian tied to the pole get an abortion. There was no meter that would gauge her sexual pleasure. She stood there up against the pole and accepted things.

It was a simpler time. A better time.

Praise the Lord!
RapeLay is a rape simulator. There is a thin wisp of a plot that was less than clear because of the poor translation. The fan-made translation is not so much a translation as it is a mockup of what a translation might look like. It works fine for the menus, but the game's dialogue and narration make very little sense and the text is often replaced with squiggly lines or empty boxes.

As near as I could discern, you play an evil rapist with a penis the size of a baseball bat who methodically rapes his way through a family of three women. You start with the mother, Yuuko Kiryuu, whose name is apparently the one thing I always have the pieces to spell when I play Scrabble.

You begin by stalking Yuuko in a subway station as she waits for the train. There isn't really a whole lot to do in these parts (they are repeated with her two daughters), but you can "pray" and god will answer your rape prayers by summoning a gust of wind that blows up her skirt. You can spin the camera around and do that as much as you want, but at some point you're going to have to board the subway train and begin the molesting.

On board the subway you have to methodically molest Yuuko by rubbing various parts of her body and pulling up the front and back of her skirt. The game utilizes the now-classic disembodied hand that you can use to squeeze her but, her breasts, or drop down the front of her panties. Yuuko fights with you, making the skirt lifting portion a bit tedious, but it will all be over in a couple of minutes. Once you have successfully rubbed the key parts of her body and elevated her arousal meter (and painted her thighs with the ubiquitous girl juice) the train arrives in the station.

That's her
A short series of static screens tells the story of how you stalk her, but most of the text was so poorly translated that the best I can gather is that the rapist made Yuuko's cell phone vibrate and then handcuffs appeared in her chest. After the static screens you enter a full-fledged rape sequence in the park. It's very scenic. Yuuko cries and screams as you would expect and you can force her into a variety of positions. Once you're done, you take photographs of her naked and covered in ghost jizz, which allows you access to her two daughters, Aoi and Manaka.

Aoi Kiryuu, whose name is pronounced exactly like the sound a fire engine's siren makes, is the elder daughter and a sporty schoolgirl. You pray for upskirt and molest her on the subway just like mom, but this time you rape her in a grungy bathroom. She and her younger sister are both virgins, which means the first time you rape them there will be a crimson surprise all over you and them. A delightful touch.

Finally, there is wee Manaka Kiryuu. She looks about ten and you get to rape her in her gigantic bed while teddy bears look on. This was certainly the most disconcerting of the rapes in the game. Not only does she look like a child, not only does her room looks like a child's room, but Manaka visibly cries. If you zoom in on her face you can see tears welling and vibrating in her gigantic eye sockets.

Beds in Japan are pretty big.
Once you have raped all three women you enter the freeform phase of the game where you "rape train" the three ladies. You do this by selecting a setting and a woman you wish to rape. You can rape them in the bathroom, the kid's bedroom, the park, a hotel room with a bed large enough for Paul Bunyan, in an alley or even on the subway train. At this point you have a much wider variety of positions and you must complete certain unwritten challenges to unlock subservience in the women. It's sort of like Tony Hawk, only instead of a 720 kickflip off a statue, you have to make Aoi swallow semen three times or make Yuuko spread her ass cheeks.

An interesting wildcard - and by interesting I mean "horrid" - is that every time you ejaculate inside one of the girls there is a chance she will become pregnant. If she does become pregnant you're supposed to force her to get an abortion, otherwise she gets more and more visibly pregnant each time you have sex. If you allow the child to be born then the woman will throw you in front of a train! Take that pro-life movement!

Another one of the fun features in RapeLay is that you can really let your creative run wild and invite three of your best creepy friends to assist you in you rape. No, I'm not talking Internet multiplayer, it's more of a rape hot seat where three other dudes crowd around your victim and you create some weird geometric rape-prism. Like the cover of that Pink Floyd album, only with rapes.

There are only two endings to the game. The "thrown in front of the train" ending and the "Aoi stabs you" ending. Other than that it's rape forever for the three unlucky ladies, demonstrating once again that the only way the cycle of rape can end is if rapists are murdered.

We're forming the power symbol!
Defining Moment: I wish I could say that the first instance of bloody cock or the rape that takes place on top of the child's enormous bed were the defining moments of the game. That would have been enough - more than enough - but, these are both things I have seen in Hentai games before. Pregnancy and abortion are new twists on this filthy genre, and they were disturbing, but they still don't quite win out. No, the winner on this one are the tears that glisten and move in the little girl's eyes. That sort of attention to detail wins this game a huge pile of disturbing points.

Difficulty: There are many lessons to be learned from RapeLay, about not wearing a skirt on a train in Japan or the need to equip your daughters with suicide pills, but the lesson foremost in this game is that rape is easy. You can wantonly grope women on a train without consequence and repeatedly rape their entire families without much fear. The only thing you can't do is not force them to get an abortion, because that's a sin in the eye's of god and leads to murder. He is the same god that answers the prayers of rapists standing on subway platforms.

Final Thoughts: RapeLay comes to us from Illusionsoft, which also makes the best Hentai games. I know, I know, oxymoron, but Sexy Beach 2 and 3 are actually kind of fun and innocent enough despite all of the hardcore sex. The fact that they also make one of the most disturbing and unpleasant Hentai games shouldn't really come as a surprise to me, but it does come as a disappointment. On the other hand, I would love to be a fly on the wall in Jack Thompson's office when someone anonymously mails him a copy of RapeLay. I have a feeling after about ten minutes he would either be having a coronary or he'd be masturbating furiously. Nah, he'd be doing both. And choking himself with his belt.
Graphics:    - 1
Gameplay:    - 5
Story:    - 10
Sexual Deviance:    - 10
Fun:    - 7
Overall:    - 33

Each category in the rating system is based out of a possible -10 score (-10 being the worst). The overall score is based out of a possible -50 score (-50 being the worst)."
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Nyotaimori: 'Eating sushi off a naked woman is like eating in a mortuary'

'Nyotaimori' is the Japanese tradition of eating sushi off a perfectly still, naked woman's body. Just the sort of thing to enrage a diehard feminist

          o Julie Bindel
          o The Guardian, Friday 12 February 2010
          o Article history


As I booked a ticket for the most expensive meal I have ever eaten, it did ­occur to me that I don't like sushi. But this was not the only problem for someone who has been a lifelong ­feminist campaigner against the sexual exploitation of women: I was about to eat raw fish off a naked woman's body.

I first noticed the publicity for a monthly series of British "nyotaimori" evenings last summer. Nyotaimori, or body sushi, is Japanese, and it isn't normally on offer in London. But periodically temporary operations do pop up in cities around the world, each time sparking newspaper headlines. The word nyotaimori is usually translated as "female body presentation", but a friend who has studied Japanese tells me it means something more like "piling something on top". Which sounds significantly less appetising.

"Flash Sushi will offer a limited number of places to this unique ­experience," the advance publicity for these new British evenings said. "Places are extremely limited and demand is high. Guests will ONLY be informed of the location of the next Flash Sushi dinner once they have paid for their sitting in full."

What did the organisers expect to happen? Hordes of hungry sushi devotees turning up at the venue ­begging for a pair of chopsticks? No, they ­simply wanted to avoid the kind of scenes witnessed in Seattle in 2003 when a group of angry feminists waved placards and shouted as diners made their way in for a nyotaimori dinner.

Anyway, on Wednesday, this angry feminist arrived at the London address she had been sent after shelling out £250. I had to walk through a hippy cafe serving bean stew and carrot salad, and then finally – after going up and down a filthy fire escape and getting lost in a dark corridor smelling of cats – I pushed open a door and found myself in a dark room festooned with purple velvet and filled mostly with men in their 20s sipping champagne.

I was greeted by a Japanese woman in traditional dress and, down a steep set of stairs, caught a glimpse of the dining room. It was 7.05pm, dinner was due to begin in 25 minutes, but the naked women were already in situ, laid out as if in a morgue, ­awaiting a postmortem.

I stood out a little amid the assembled diners. There were two other women, but they were hanging on to the arms of their partners and were dressed to the nines. Soon, however, I was chatting to Ben, a money ­broker, recently divorced and in his 50s. He was at my table with two young ­bankers and their partners. The other table was all male, and, like everyone on my table, all white.

As we sat down, I realised the claims that "demand is high" for such dinners are rubbish: the trestle tables were easily long enough for 24, but there were only 12 diners. In fact, nyotaimori may take place in Japan, but it is stigmatised there and usually only found in seedy sex clubs. But wherever and whenever it is launched overseas, it is marketed as a form of Japanese food culture, and this was, ostensibly, what the meal on Wednesday night was about.

Our human plate was olive skinned, with (as far as I could gather) no body hair and naked except for a few strategically placed banana leaves and rose petals. Her eyes were shut. If it was not for the fact you could see her breathing – and the odd flutter of her eyelid – she could indeed have been a body in a ­mortuary. There was nothing remotely erotic about the sight.

The first course arrived, plus more champagne and sake. Soon the men were getting sloshed. I started to worry about their chopstick use, so much so that I ­offered to serve the salmon sashimi to the banker sitting furthest away from the plate. Loud guffaws from the other table, followed by clapping, came in response to one of the men dropping his piece of sushi on the woman's groin area.

Ben spent most of the evening ­telling me how nyotaimori is not ­demeaning to the women. "So long as they get paid," he argued, it is no different from being an artist's model. "In fact, it is art," he said, warming to his theme.

Our human platter did not look warm. I was dressed for the freezing cold weather outside and was slightly chilly. She had goose bumps, and it was not yet 8pm. The dinner was due to finish at 10.30pm. If it was torture for me being here, what was it like for the plate?

"What I like about her," said Ben, ­indicating our plate – who, playing dead a mere two feet from our mouths, could obviously hear every word we said – "is that ­occasionally she has a very slight smile on her face." I could only imagine that she was fantasising about sticking chopsticks in the eyes of each and every one of us.

At one point I moved my notebook and accidentally knocked the plate's ­fingers. She remained impassive. Andy, one of the bankers, told me a story he had heard the day before about ­nyotaimori. "Some geezer told me you can cop a feel of the birds, you know, slide your hand under the leaves when you are getting the food. So I called the organisers and asked if that goes on, and she tells me, 'No way. It is art.' So I knew it was OK to bring the missus."

Eventually, a break was announced in order for the "models", as our host referred to the human plates, to "stretch their legs". We were led upstairs. I asked how much the plates are paid. "I don't know," said the host. "We hire them through an agency." Do they have any special training? One often reads about how the plates involved in body sushi are "trained" to lie still for hours. "No, but we don't take women with large breasts as the food would slide off."

Were these events usually men-only? "Yes, but when there are ladies present it civilises the men." What ­happens when they are not being ­civilised? "Oh, nothing much, just boys' stuff."

Ben told the host how much he was enjoying himself. "And the presence of these ladies has totally legitimised it – I no longer feel like a dirty old man."

One of the men from the adjoining table approached Ben and the ­bankers. "Can we swap tables with you? Your model is gorgeous." But there was no need. As we were led back downstairs I saw that the plates had swapped already. Our new one had a ­tattoo on her upper arm facing me and her feet were bigger than the previous one's. Her eyes were closed and she too looked dead except for the breathing. I wondered what would happen if she got a terrible itch. More food ­arrived, this time hot, and the banker, in his haste, dropped a piece of hot cod on one thigh. "I wonder if, when she gets home, her husband says, 'Christ, woman, you stink of fish!'" said Ben.

I asked the women at my table what they thought of the evening. "Great," they chorused. "The food is lovely, the candles are beautiful and I love the atmosphere," said one. But what about the human plates? "I'd forgotten about them," she said, unconvincingly.

Not for the first time that evening, I wished I was outside in the freezing cold, shouting and waving a placard.

Names have been changed.
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