Started by FreakAnimalFinland, May 21, 2010, 09:39:40 PM

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Out and available. Soon to be found from usual distributors and hopefully from more than before!


label spot-interviews:
-Filth & Violence
-Posh Isolation
-Release The Bats

top-10 essentials
-Pasi Markkula (Bizarre Uproar)
-Rodger Stella (Macronympha)

tape article
-Tommy Carlsson / Treriksröset / Abisko
-Aaron Dilloway / Hanson Records

Japan gig reports from april/may by Mikko Aspa

Cover art + 2 artist pages I.Vekka (HAARE).
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net

Nyodene D

looks and sounds great, Mikko. 

I sent you an e-mail about what address to send it to. Let me know when you get that, as I move out on friday.


Quote from: niko penttinen on May 22, 2010, 02:01:54 PM
I take it that after this there wont be anymore fire in the head interviews. the guy has quit the band so many times that it comes off as false advertisement. other than that looks good and ill gladly read this in the can.

I was piss drunk on a whiskey binge when I wrote that interview. I wonder what I said.

Mattias G

Thanks for another good reading, i think many have starved for something like this. And the best thing is that it came out regularly. 


instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
telegram for updated list: https://t.me/+03nSMe2c6AFmMTk0


Once again impressive work. Vivenza interview was my favorite part. The small font is hurting my eyes after a long reading session though, but it is a small annoyance.

Andrew McIntosh

The Vivenza interview, despite being ten years old, and the reviews of material by Rafaal Kochen, where without a doubt the most interesting parts of the zine this issue and raised many questions for me. Some time soon I'd like to get those thoughts together and raise some discussion on this forum.

One thing that's apparent is the earnest seriousness of Jean Marc Vivenza applies to what he does. This, in itself, raises questions. Is it a good thing? Is it a necessary thing? Are there issues with the "lack" of such philosophical concerns in other Industrial/Noise artists? Most importantly to me, what is the ultimate role of the listener in dealing with his works?

Sometimes thinking too deeply about these issues annoy people. I can understand that, and sympathise with it; there are, occasionally, artists who seem to just lay with words to provide a cover of some kind of philosophical respectability. I definitely did not get that sense from the Vivenza pieces in the zine. I happily disagree with a lot of what he's saying, and am very glad to have found something that made me think. It's things like that, that attract me to someone's music.

Which is something of a rarity in interviews these days, that I've seen anyway. So many people seem to want to avoid discussing issues at all, even if their own work raises them. It made me think of what Mikko wrote in the zine's intro - about "curating", and the need to cut out the dross from the good. I'm wondering now if the same ethic can be applied to interviews, because in all seriousness, there where a few interviews in the zine that seemed to me so run-of-the-mill they may as well not have bothered. That, of course, can be found in any zine. But is Special Interests just "any zine"? 
Shikata ga nai.


I agree with many things said above. Also I can add that I was a little disappointed with the F&V interview, I was expecting a bit more deep interview... more talk about fetish and themes of F&V. I think this applies to the things Andrew posted, I was hoping to hear more of the reasons behind certain things, of course one can say that the themes are obvious but I am still interested to hear what the creator has to say, if anything. The essentials part is one of my favorite regular parts of SI, because it gives some idea where the artist is coming from and can in some ways explain why artist is using the style and themes. Revealing the personal interest in themes of pe/noise comes very essential information when the themes are very provoking. So it won't just stay on the level of provoking for the sake of being a bad boy.


Some curator work obviously exists, but in other hand, I feel zine is more about documentation. I was always quite happy with "lighter" content of magazine as well, but of course one can say that something such as Dissecting Table interview, just isn't on same level of Sudden Infant, Vivenza or such.. 
So far only 1 interview has been totally rejected due being very very boring. Or, they exists possibility to cut it in shape it might work, but I doubt it.
My overall attitude has been that something is better than nothing. Some artists won't give "better" answers or fill the expectations of journalist or reader, but that might still be very very accurate document of him. It is document of their approach or limits in communication. In future I keep possibility that interviews what seems like needing more work, simply will be postponed until you have squeezed enough from artists.  But at this moment, to keep in schedule is at this moment vital. If magazine fails deadline so early stages, it could ruin things like paid advertizement (and why that's important, see below). There aren't really interviews I would regret, but some things could have slightly improved.

As for F&V, label interviews were more about the "music" / "business" afterall. For the fetishes and such, it would need to be Bizarre Uproar interview, and perhaps done in Finnish at live interview to make it more than past interviews for other 'zines. I don't know how artists feels about it, but I think BU has in recent year been featured in just about every possible zine/website dedicated to PE (although not many exists, still...), it should probably happen later on.

In general, when SI #3 came from print, I was very happy how it turned. Still when looking it from the screen, I had the feeling this might not be as good as I hoped, but when I was holding digital test print in form of zine, I think probably best issue yet.

There are few plans I'm looking into:
adding 8 or 16 color pages inside. Possibly enabling artsists who work in full color, to do their artworks in full color. Few ads in full color. Due size of machine used to print this, it is possible that color pages won't add very massive price difference. Mainly the price of metal plates used for printing. Unlike with small offset machines where each color is printed separately, this has set up where paper goes through 4 colors in one run.

Another possibility was the addition of 16 more pages. This could fix the inbalance of ads / content. Situation was, that for #3, it seemed as if I don't get enought paid ads to help with finances what makes SI work as it does (note: wholesale price is LESS than actual printing costs), but in last days arrived more one by one, and had to squeeze in more than planned without mixing whole lay-out once again.

I hope these changes would NOT affect retail price. And also wholesale only by slightly increasing shipping rate if mags weight more.

There will be coming changes in some structures. Like tape noise article or label interviews. No point of printing same questions over and over and over again. So probably starting from #4, new style for those will be applied.

Still looking for any contributors:
-reviews (welcomed, yet not so urgently since space reserved for them is filled very easily)
-articles / colums (opinions/information/scene reports/live shows/whatever..)

This 3rd option I would consider one of things suitable. Themes of articles and how they can be combined to sound, are endless. It just requires actual work of typing and planning - and having the idea in first place.

and also even if there is no replies what are going to happen: artists suggestions / label suggestions / visual artists suggestions welcomed in topic dedicated for it.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net

Andrew McIntosh

There's been quite a few interviews with Pasi over the last year or so and it's probably not surprising he'd get sick of repeating himself, as seemed to be the case with the F&V interview. In any case, I judge his written English is not so extended and anyway, he seems to prefer to prove himself with his projects than discuss them.
Shikata ga nai.


Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on June 18, 2010, 01:38:01 AM
The Vivenza interview, despite being ten years old, and the reviews of material by Rafaal Kochen, where without a doubt the most interesting parts of the zine this issue and raised many questions for me. Some time soon I'd like to get those thoughts together and raise some discussion on this forum.

Very big thanks for these words. I didn't expect such positive reflections. I remember that some VIVENZA's answers surprised me because I thought J-MV is more open-minded guy, especially in NOISE sphere. I respect his music and deep knowledge about futurism, but, in my opinion, this is too narrow, and ..... too much Western-Culture directed?


just picked up issue #3 today.
the Xiphoid Dementia article was cool as I'm going to see him Sunday, where the witches gather...in Salem, Massachusetts.
nice work!


Got the SP#3 today, nice as usual. Some ideas:
I would like a introduction to each interview. I have no idea who Leif  Elggren is and with no introduction I keep flipping forward.
Would be interesting to read who did the interviews (AM, MA, FC and such).
Review section, would be nice if it where longer since it is a nice way to discover new records.
Great that it is packt with information, comes out more then once a year and the neat price!

The "Japan-special" is my favourite so far.


The below the table of contents lists who did which interviews.



I remember asking that someone interview Vivenza, and it is an incredible interview!  Thanks for translating all of that! 
I'm about half way through it, highly enjoyable reads.