Wretched Worst - Funeral Burning 7" on Husk Records...

Started by Josh L., October 10, 2012, 11:28:11 PM

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Josh L.

NOW SHIPPING:Wretched Worst - Funeral Burning 7" on Husk Records.These are totally fucked,and totally mandatory!Rattled and puke soaked Noise-Rock(?) in praise of the horned one.Black and white artwork by Matt Minter with limited marbled oxblood colored vinyl.Recorded by Ben Allen (Cadaver in Drag/Caves),mixed and mastered by Robert Beatty (Hair Police/Three Legged Race)$8 ppd U.S.A./$12 ppd WORLD.
Paypal/e-mail = huskrecords@yahoo.com
SOUND SAMPLE = http://soundcloud.com/huskrecords/wretched-worst