
Started by algiz, August 31, 2012, 10:22:58 PM

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As it seems to get harder these days to get the good brands if you don't live in Sweden I just thought I'd ask if anyone of you consumes it. Would be great to get some of these swedish match portions!


General is my favourite !
Seems like most of my friends prefer Ettan, but for me it kinda lacks that extra sting which General has.
And, portions are much more handy thän lös.


Unavailable for EU citizens nowadays... So Oden's Extreme seems to be the only good alternative and I like it a lot! Never tried lös yet


This brand is what got me hooked:

Strong flavor with a small hint of licorice. And black bags. Good stuff. I can easily hook you up with one for cost, just PM..
Used to work at Swedish Match, though I was making matchboxes and not snus unfortunately..


I often use General or Granit (the "loose" stuff)... makes your teeth turn brown, very popular with the ladies....
I should also mention that I often use this substance as colour in my paintings and collages.

since I can buy it anywhere I don't know if this is a good place, but I'm sure you can find several online stores that sell the black gold.,%20Los,%2010%20cans-23904/


i never heard of this lol ....tobacco teabags to put under your lip?!


well, some people use the "teabags" but I prefer to shape the tobacco myself (the traditional way)...
most people who try this get nausea and turn green in their face... way better than smoking, but I suppose the tobacco companies have banned it because it is a threat to their product. if it should be banned in sweden it would result in violent uprising - imagine at least one million angry swedes going cold turkey....


I used to do snus now and then when I was in position where I could not smoke, but as a long time cigarette smoker, it just does not satisfy in the same way.

Camel started pushing snus hard here in US maybe 5-6 years ago, but I haven't seen anyone really pick up the habit.

Mattias G

I have noticed when i have traveled in the states that snuff is sold almost everywhere. Brands like SKOAL or Copenhagen. It´s not the same as the snus in Sweden. I know that they have tried to introduce it here also like 15 years ago but i think it did not work.
But i have also bought teabags in USA, doesn´t taste the same though.


I once knew a guy who flipped his pickup truck & his glass filled with snuff spit spilled into his face. I think he stopped dipping after that.


I use it as an alternative to smoking which I could reduce a lot since then. But now you can only order some certain brands which are not always the best ones unfortunately as the more interesting ones like General, Göteborg Rapé, Skruf... do not allow their stuff to be sold to the united states of Europe anymore... So I am open for any trades.... :)


I only use it occasionally but a lot of people I know do it, when we were 13-14 it was the preferred alternative if you wanted to be cool. My friend's grandmother apparently had a saying, "Kissing without snus is like licking a calf's asshole".


Quote from: ghoulson on September 04, 2012, 12:20:24 AM
I often use General or Granit (the "loose" stuff)... makes your teeth turn brown, very popular with the ladies....
I should also mention that I often use this substance as colour in my paintings and collages.

I recognize the colour in your works, but I'm disappointed it's not feces.

Bagged snus is a pretty new invention, isn't it? Don't think I saw that at all during the 90's. Or maybe the rednecks in my town thought it was for women and children. Still is, I guess. With all the fancy, mint-and-cranberry-tasting, nicotin-free, good for your teeth designer brands.

By the way, the only proper snus for true power electronic heads should be Göteborg RAPE.


Thanks to Matthias I could try Grov Svart portion now and have to say that for me it is high quality stuff with a very nice taste and good power! Hope to be able to avoid the V2 brands from now on as I just wouldn't like to use them anymore...


Ok I got it now - only the loose stuff is the real thing...