Beläten: Trepaneringsritualen Buttons + SOL restock

Started by T × R × P, June 19, 2012, 09:35:55 PM

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T × R × P

The second Beläten button set will be available from on the 25th of June. The strictly limited to 50 copies button set featured five 1.25" in buttons:

⸰ Trepaneringsritualen sigill
⸰ Beläten Logo
⸰ Ouroborus Sun sigill
⸰ Flagellant,
⸰ T × R × P Head

We'll also have a restock of Michael Idehall's magnificient »SOL« tape + copies of the Black Horizons versions of »Roi Perdu« and »Edifice of Nine Sauvastikas« for sale on the 25th

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Still available: Trepaneringsritualen Patch Set, »Sect. IV 1590« art zine and »A Somatic Response« compilation tape.

T × R × P

Available NOW!

We also made a button set with three sigills channeled by Idehall. Get them with the »SOL« cassette on BandCamp or on their own at the Beläten BigCartel Shop.

We also have copies of the Black Horizons editions of Trepaneringsritualen — Roi Perdu and Æther/T × R × P — Edifice Of Nine Sauvastikas. Also available in the BigCartel Shop