Generic Death / Varunian - split tape (2012, Truco Espárrago) OUT NOW

Started by Doom-Rivers, February 28, 2012, 11:07:18 AM

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TR-013: Generic Death / Varunian
"Continuity Of Deception / Black Hole Trip"

Generic Death was born in 2010, when Dopi (Machetazo, Deadmask, Ruinebell) decided to discharge his frustration against the current state of the underground scene into a recording studio. The result was the iconoclastic EP "Underground Is Dead" published by At War With False Noise. In summer 2011, bassist Iago Alvite (former Frustradicción, Proxecto Minamata) and the vocalist Santiago Paz (Nashgul, Deadmask) joined the project, and Generic Death entered again the studio. From those recording sessions came out 47 tracks of ferocious and vicious noisecore (that will be released on a split 12" with Sete Star Sept), and a single track of nihilistic, slow and chaotic sludge-noise.

"Continuity Of Deception" has a strong continuity with the original spirit of Generic Death. It's a track that comes from deception, frustration and the most negative feelings of hatred and condemnation, to create a chaotic and obsessive track, with certain taste to crematorium free-jazz. The band crawls and twists, progressing through noise and feedback, a bass drowned in distortion and effects, and a desperately intense vocal work, over a mattress of harsh noise, creating an assembly of apocalyptic visions. That is the cacophony of failure and human misfortune, each vibration of the noise created by this truly talented musicians transmits negativity, collecting influences of the slower and more researcher work of Brutal Truth or Napalm Death, or also the wild experimentation of Man Is The Bastard, Naked City or Painkiller.

Varunian is an impenetrable project, maintained in complete secret to date by Roberto Bustabad (member of Machetazo and Banished From Inferno). Varunian has tones of dark ambient, noise and black, with a suffocating, dense, and decadent sound, and a concept so deep that transcends human nature. With "Black Hole Trip", Varunian explores the noise of universe, the eternal noise of infinite spaces. Massive distortions, deafening murmurs, majestic echoes or penetrating explosions of radio waves and hurricanes of solar winds, conform the magical and frightening music of a merciless and eternal universe, as a God that devours worlds.

"Continuity Of Deception / Black Hole Trip" is presented in a professional cassette with two tracks and 25 minutes of music, in an limited edition to 110 copies. You can get the tape for 5 euro plus postage and handling through Truco Espárrago.

Download promotional pack:

More info:

Side A. Generic Death - Continuity Of Deception

Side B. Varunian - Black Hole Trip



Hi! This tape is almost sold out. So, if you are interested on getting it, do not wait and do it ASAP.

Generic Death is a noisecore band playing agonic ans slow sludge industrial (think in a mixture of Scorn, Painkiller or Napalm Death) and Varunian is a solo project of dark ambient noise!