WANT: Grey Wolves Shirt(s) and related! (tapes, STA releases, etc)

Started by Warfare Noise, January 28, 2012, 08:14:01 AM

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Warfare Noise

...and not the one being made by Postmortem.

Prefer Medium but old large or even XL would work. Top want is the 13th anniversery shirt but will take a look at anything.

Can buy or trade. Get in touch if you have something you can part with.

Warfare Noise

Bump. Got 3 shirts thanks to my inquiry but not the one I am looking for. Write if you have anything for trade or sale.

Warfare Noise

bump. always looking for more shirts!

hell... if you have any GW stuff (or related) you want to unload get in touch. Always looking for alternate versions of tapes I already have (as is so common with GW material)

Warfare Noise

BUMP, im fatter now so not interested in MEDIUM. Only want L or XL.
Sell me all your Grew Wolves stuff.
And your Con-Dom stuff too.

Edit: I thought my old acct was reactivated but this appears to be a new acct with same name.
Same user as above. Message me from this post though.

Warfare Noise

BUMP. Still in L, XL if its one of those humiliation sized brands like AA or the like. Grey Wolves shirts preferred, other shirts considered. Send message with pricing or trade lists.