Despite the locks on the cover, L is for late...

Started by GX Jupitter-Larsen, January 19, 2012, 08:55:20 PM

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GX Jupitter-Larsen

L is for late, but it's well worth the wait. This 12th volume in the Zelphabet CD series has exclusive tracks by Lasse Marhaug, Leather Bath, Lee Gamble, The Legendary Pink Dots, Leticia Castaneda, and Lionel Marchetti. The Volume L CD is $8 (usa) / $9 (world). A subscription to the whole Zelphabet series is available for $200 (usa) / $234 (world).

Volume L =

Zelphabet subscription =

Francisco Lopez with GX Jupitter-Larsen 10 inch features Lopez using GX material as a sound source, and GX using Lopez material. Edition of 500. $18ppd (usa) / $24ppd (world)

Francisco Lopez with GX Jupitter-Larsen =

Is that a mingwave on the tip of your tongue? Can't remember if it's a romawave or not? Should you take the polywave or the xylowave? Maybe a roll of the GX Calibration Dice is all the analysis you need? Standard size dice, engraved white on opaque black. $10ppd (usa / world)

Calibration Dice =

*paypal me directly at gx AT jupitter-larsen DOT com and get all 3 items ( vol L / 10 inch / dice ) for $30 (usa) or $38 (world)

**Zelphabet subscribers' copies of Volume L are already in the mail.

GX Jupitter-Larsen

Volume M of the Zelphabet series will have an unreleased track by MSBR from 2000. It was going to be one half of a Haters/MSBR split LP on my old label Noisopoly. The split never came out and I've been saving it for something spacial. Volume M also has exclusive tracks by Michael Muennich and Mike Shiflet, and a  live recording of Manon Anne Gillis in San Francisco from way back when.

GX Jupitter-Larsen

Latest orders have all been sent out!

Thanks all...