Started by c____r, January 07, 2012, 12:29:51 AM

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Available now from Altered States Tapes.

If you're not already aware, Canada's Fossils have carved out a unique groove for themselves over the last half-decade on labels including Kye, Fag Tapes, Chocolate Monk and their own imprint, Middle James Co. On "Drooling Hercules", core-Fossil David Payne is joined by Daniel Farr and Josh St. Denis on the A and B side respectively. These stripped down manifestations of Fossils provide some of the most interesting sounds I've heard from them thus far. More fried minimalism than total harshness, both sides present a blend of tape loops, synth, guitar, electronics and, most importantly, room sound, creating a sonorous headrush fit for a king. I'm not sure how many I've made so far, the run will be somewhere between 40 and 60 I guess.

Coming in the next few weeks is a harsh secretion from Detroit native, Andrew Coltrane and split between Melbournian musique concreters Oranj Punjabi and Reunion Sacred Ibis. Many more releases, including a cassette of Black Leather Jesus are coming out sometime...

Still available:

Die Trip Computer Die - "Angry Dan Presents: Stop Killing Jelly Trousers" c40
Junk Sick - "Rising Damp" c40
Nocastle (Newcastle noise compilation) c50
Sleeping Bag Full Of Boys - Sacks Full c40

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