Francisco Lopez with GX Jupitter-Larsen 10", Nyodene D 7"

Started by phagetapes, December 03, 2011, 07:31:05 PM

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PT:167 Francisco Lopez with GX Jupitter-Larsen 10"
Edition of 500 copies
Two sides of collaboration between these two noise veterens.  Side A features Lopez using GX material as a sound source and Side B is GX using Lopez material as a sound source.

untitled #282 sample
9 minute glitch sample

PT:180 Nyodene D "Caged Dog/ Common Criminal" 7"
Edition of 300 copies
Recorded for the current winter tour but unfortunately the package shipped to Philly was held up by shoddy USPS workers so copies should be available in Chicago and possibly in NYC.   Both tracks are influenced by the 1981 Hunger strike in Ireland headed by Bobby Sands.  

Common Criminal sample

phagetapes at yahoo dot com

FL with GX 10" - 18$ in NA, 24$ Worldwide
Nyodene D 7" - 10$ in NA, 13$ Worldwide
Both - 24$ in NA, 34$ Worldwide

Distros that will carry these:
Tochnit Aleph - FL with GX 10"
Malignant - Nyodene D 7"
Tedium House - Both

Also available in very limited quantities.
Nyodene D 7" Test Pressing with screen-printed covers. 17$ in NA, 20$ world

Francisco Lopez with GX Jupitter-Larsen 10" Test pressings with screen-printed covers.  The rejected tests have black ink covers and the accepted tests have green ink covers.  21$ in NA, 27$ Worldwide.


Nyodene D 7" is great!junk/hn/vocals on a side then synth/vocals on b side. dont know why its taken me this long to check out this amazing project!!


Nyodene D is one of the best current PE projects from USA
Power Electronics with a unifying theme on 7" format are often the best of the best noise releases