AARON DILLOWAY - Lip Syncing to Verme LP out now on Hundebiss Records

Started by HUNDEBISS, June 15, 2011, 06:21:42 PM

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AARON DILLOWAY - Lip Syncing to Verme

Ltd. edition of 500 - No repress
Artwork: 2 colors offset print on folded recycled paper

As a slow motion Stan Brakhage on K, this latest and definitive new
album from Aaron Dilloway is fluid and cinematic.
After the monumental Chain Shot Lp and a furious live activity, the
Mid West's mad tape-scientist is back to take your hands and dive you
in a buzzy ocean of muddy water loops.
Welcome to this creepy journey to the south of heaven, here you can
just crawl like a worm.

PREVIEW: http://soundcloud.com/hundebiss-records/aaron-dilloway-lip-syncing-to

YOU TUBE COMMERCIAL: http://youtu.be/p1Q7onNEnNg

BUY NOW: http://hundebissrecords.bigcartel.com/product/aaron-dilloway-lip-syncing-to-verme-lp
hundebissrecords@gmail.com | hundebiss.altervista.org