Audacity plug ins

Started by Leewar, September 15, 2021, 07:28:03 PM

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Back at it after the sudden death of a laptop.

Ive downloaded Audacity, but im sure last time i did this, i had a version with seemingly more plugs ins?  The Gverb is missing amongst others.

Is there something ive completely forgotten, IE Plug indownload packs? or am i really going to have to sit here for hours downloading and re-installing plug ins individually?

Soloman Tump

Depends what version you used to have, bit Audacity has undergone ownership changes recently, then the big fuss over their privacy settings and spyware accusations.

I read some independent developers were designing an alternative program based on the last good stable version of Audacity

Not sure if these means some plugins have jumped ship or are just not compatible with latest versions. I have not updated mine in a while because it's stable and works.


I think the version i did have was at least a year old.

Its annoying as now its a massive ballache to try and install each plug-in, rather than the old style batch install.

If i cant find a older version to install i might try something else.