HAARE / VU split tape

Started by BrownhillMafia, April 22, 2020, 07:26:27 AM

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Brownhill Mafia and Relictual Tapes proudly present: Haare, a veteran of psychedelic noise wars, meets Nostromo industrial young guns VU. Each artist presents two tracks that range from distorted racket to calmer brooding moments. 44 minutes. Limited to 75 copies. 6 € + postage. Order: brownhillmafia@gmail.com

We are located in Finland so the postages can be a bit costly for international orders. Also because of the COVID-19-situation, we might not be able to ship to some countries.

Pic: https://scontent.fhel1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/93890193_2791614997622719_1167193522017665024_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=39mNmM-EUikAX-l55Pe&_nc_ht=scontent.fhel1-1.fna&oh=189773f86d117452e4e45c594b7e55ab&oe=5EC46F22


Also available:

Axeslaughter - New Darkness Rises 7" 5 €
Chestburster - Slime And Guilt LP 10 €
Chestburster - Spring Revelations LP 12 €
Eternal Order - Strength Through Isolation TAPE 5 €
Haare / VU split TAPE 6 €
Jazzhand - "/" TAPE 4 €
Jazzhand / Reikätila split TAPE 4 €
Liminal Archaeology Series - 1: A Retreat Documentation TAPE 5 €
Metsäkirkko - s/t TAPE 5 €
Metsäkirkko - Löylystä ja Luonnosta TAPE 5 €
Nuori Veri - Vakaumus TAPE 5 €
Nuori Veri - Vakaumus II TAPE 5 €
Rodent Epoch - Funeral Rehearsal Ceremony TAPE 3 €
Skin Act - s/t TAPE 5 €
VU - s/t TAPE 5 €
Woodrue - Low On Luck TAPE 5 €
V/A Terässinfonia vol. 2 CD 12 €



Now in stock at WCN - really good tape!
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports