post homo sapiens

Started by dp, January 21, 2020, 04:11:17 PM

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dave phillips - post homo sapiens - tape * CD * digital   released 6 jan 2020

tape by etched anomalies, montréal, edition 86. high-bias chrome tape in hand-made, raw gravel encrusted wallet, incl. booklet + download code. 86 copies made.

cd by attenuation circuit, augsburg & dp, edition 500. pro-printed CD in cardboard wallet.

6 new pieces in 66 minutes, recorded between nov 2018 and june 2019. to be played loud as one listening session.

the picture painted includes track-titles such as "biosemiotics", "metamorphosis", "hydrotropism / heliotropism" or "phytognosophysiology", a short text with lines such as "sentience and coevolution are born of the ongoing encounter, contact, tension and entwinement between each being and the living world that surrounds it." and then there's the music....

PLAY LOUD. all by dp except voice on 1 by agata krawczyk, and voice on 4 and 6 by luzia rasu.

listen & buy

northamerican tape orders

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holy ghost

Can't say no to a gravel encrusted wallet and Canadian shipping - ordered!