LBRF054 Envenomist/Murderous Vision- Liminal Presence CD

Started by murderous_vision, November 09, 2019, 01:38:33 AM

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Out Now! Envenomist/Murderous Vision- Liminal Presence CD $10 + $4 shipping USA, $14 shipping WWD

Conceptualized and created throughout the first 8 months of 2019, Liminal Presence is not intended to be either a collaboration album, nor a split. Rather, a 70 minute journey into interstellar light drifts and sleep transformations. Floating and mystical ambient and underlying dark nightmares. Where the whole is greater than the sum of it's individual parts. Packed in a 6 panel wallet, limited to 300 copies. With collage work and graphic design by David Russell Stempowski. Mastered for optimal drift by Derek Rush.


Via Bandcamp;